写一段英语对话Talking about protection of environment.(1)目前环保还存在许多问题.(2)为了保护环境,各国*做了大量的工作.(3)谈谈你们的看法.写成两个人的对话.对话不需太长.三楼结尾弄好点。结尾弄好我采纳为最佳答案,四楼的我无语


Talking about protection of environment.

A:What's on the box tonight, does anyone know?
B:Oh nothing much. There's Panorama at eight for an hour.
A:Oh good.
B:And then there's the football at nine twenty-five.
I want to see that.
A:Oh not again! just a minute--what time does it finish? The last part of that thriller's on the other side at a quarter to eleven. I'd like to see that.
B:Well the football ends at eleven.
A:You'll have to miss the last fifteen minutes then.
B:You'll probably be asleep by then.
A:No I won't! At least your football doesn't * with the new. I always like that on at nine.

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A:what do you think of the environment of the whole world?
B:well,even though every country is trying their best to protect the environment .there still exists some sorts of environment problems .such as air polution and water polution.
A:yeah,i heard about that some European countries were extremely strict to the multinationals with their progress of producing.
B:give an example.
A:in France,if a company drain waste water into the river,it will be forced to closed in several weeks.
A:of course.but in china,it is different.it is not that harsh.
B:i agree with you.it seems that we should strenghen the protection of environment immediately.

A:Hello,what are you reading about?
B:Oh ,I am reading the newspaper about the environment.
A:Er,I konw much about it ,I just read it,and it said there are many problems in protecting environment.now in order to protect the environment ,government of each country are trying to do their best .
B:That good,we live in the big golbe,it happy then we will happy,but if it sad we will sad too.So we must do our best to protect the environment.