靠右乘坐电梯似乎早已经成了一种习惯,而人们也都会自觉地把电梯左边的位置空出来.这样做,不仅文明,给那些急着赶时间的人也提供了方便.假如大家都能按惯例靠右站,在自动扶梯上让出一条通道,那么,有急事的人走电梯比走楼梯能节省20秒左右的时间.希望好心人能给翻译成英语 (不要翻译器翻译的)


希望好心人能给翻译成英语 (不要翻译器翻译的)

Right to take the elevator seems to have become a habit early, and people will consciously elevator left empty out. To do so, not only civilization,but also can provide convenience for those people who hurry to catch time.
If everyone can keep right usual station,and let out a channel at the escalator , then,people in a hurry walk the elevator emergency stairs can save more than 20 seconds.

By taking the elevator seems to have the right into a habit, and people will consciously elevator left empty out the position. To do so, not only to those nasty civilization, time also provides a convenient.
If everyone can stand on the right, the customary in the room on the escalator, then, is a man walking elevator emergency stairs can save more than 20 seconds.

It seems that takeing the escalator on the right side becomes a habbit .And also people have an awareness of leaving the space on the leaf hand in escalators.For doing like that ,it is civilized and F...

Right to take the elevator seems to have become a habit early, and people will take the initiative to put the elevator on the left of the position vacant. This not only civilization, to those who hurry to rush people who provided for convenience.
If we can keep right usual station, the escalator and let out a channel, then take the elevator man in a hurry take the stairs to save more than 20 seconds or so.