句子练习(英语)1 The office are in front of the library.(改为同义句)The library ___ ___ ___ ___ the offices.2 喝牛奶对我们身体有好处.(翻译)3 谢谢你给我写信(翻译)4 Why not watch TV at hone?(改为同义句)5 咱们邀请Kate去看魔术表演吧.___ ___ Kate ___ ___ the magic show.6 The pandas eat bamboo for 12 hours every day.(划线提问)注:划线部分是 for 12 hours every day7 Tony often downloads pop music from the Internet.(划线提问)注:划线部分是 pop ___ ___ ___ Music ___ Tony often download from the Internet.


1 The office are in front of the library.(改为同义句)
The library ___ ___ ___ ___ the offices.
2 喝牛奶对我们身体有好处.(翻译)
3 谢谢你给我写信(翻译)
4 Why not watch TV at hone?(改为同义句)
5 咱们邀请Kate去看魔术表演吧.
___ ___ Kate ___ ___ the magic show.
6 The pandas eat bamboo for 12 hours every day.(划线提问)
注:划线部分是 for 12 hours every day
7 Tony often downloads pop music from the Internet.(划线提问)
注:划线部分是 pop
___ ___ ___ Music ___ Tony often download from the Internet.

2.Drinkng milk is good for our health.
3.Thank you for writing a letter to me.
4.Why don't you watch TV at home?
5.Let‘s invite Kate to watch the magic show.
6.How long do the panadas eat bamboo?
7.What kind of music does Tony often download from the Internet?

① is in the rear ofis at the behind of② Milk is helpful for our health.Milk is good for our health.③ Thank you for wringting to me.④ Why don't we watch TV at home?How about watching TV at home?DO ...