英语Come and sit down by th fire. Your hand ____ so coldA. is feeling so cold B. feels so cold2.By the end of this century we ____ ours into a strong modern country.A. shall build B. are going to build C. will have built3.--- I', sorry to have kept you waiting.--- Oh,not at all.I ___ here only a few minutes.A. have been B. was请给出答案并说明理由


英语Come and sit down by th fire. Your hand ____ so cold
A. is feeling so cold B. feels so cold
2.By the end of this century we ____ ours into a strong modern country.
A. shall build B. are going to build C. will have built
3.--- I', sorry to have kept you waiting.
--- Oh,not at all.I ___ here only a few minutes.
A. have been B. was

B feels so cold用现在一般时就行了,进行时没必要.
C by the end of...是将来完成时的标志
B A可以排除,否则是I have been here for only a few minutes.这里没for,就用一般过去时.


1、B your hand feels so cold 指 你的手摸起来很凉````` 所以才让你坐到火边去
2、C 将来完成时 当然期望国家富强啦、、
3、不确定.可能是 A 我来了才一小会儿

1B2C3A 我100%确定