翻译成英文(拜年)在中国春节就是新年,每逢春节,亲戚,朋友走门串户,登门拜年,互致节日祝贺,这在中国民间已成为一种传统习俗. 拜年这一习俗是怎么来的呢?相传远古时代有一种凶猛的怪兽人们叫它“年”.每年春节的前一天夜晚.它便出来,伤害百姓.据说“年”很怕红色和声响,于是人们就在过年的前几天给门上贴门神,门的两边还要贴上大红的对联,并在除夕之夜燃放爆竹,以驱走“年”.另外,人们还设法把肉食放在门外,然后紧闭门户,躲在屋里.第二天早上,人们开门见了面,便作辑道喜,庆祝未被“年”伤害.赶走了年,人又没有被伤害,就叫“过年”.后来,拜年之风世代相传.



Spring Festival is the New Year in China,during the Spring Festival,relatives,friends walk door and showing concern to the door,and exchanged congratulations,which has become a kind of Chinese folk traditions and customs.
New Year's custom is how this come from?Legend has it ancient times there is a ferocious monster people call "Nian." The day before the annual Spring Festival night.It will be out and hurt people.They said that "Nian" very scare red and the sound,so people in the few days before New Year posted on the door to door god,but also on both sides of the door of the couplet red paste,and set off firecrackers on New Year's Eve night to exorcise the "Nian."In addition,it is also trying to meat on the outside,and then a closed door,hiding in the house.The next morning,people met to open the door,they made Repertoire Daochi,not celebration "Nian" injury.Drove away,the people were not hurt,called "New Year." Later,the wind of New Year's from generation to generation.