求经济学翻译高手Why is the Dollar So High?Martin Feldstein*这篇论文里出现很多dollar is high的句子,网上有人将标题翻译为为什么美元这么受欢迎,但是文章里的high要怎么理解,比如themagnitude of the U.S. trade and current account deficits makes it clear that thedollar is very high relative to a long-run equilibrium level;In attempting to explain why the dollar is so high it is necessary to begin byrecognizing that the dollar is one price in the complex general equilibrium systemthat describes the global economy这


Why is the Dollar So High?Martin Feldstein*这篇论文里出现很多dollar is high的句子,网上有人将标题翻译为为什么美元这么受欢迎,但是文章里的high要怎么理解,比如
themagnitude of the U.S. trade and current account deficits makes it clear that the
dollar is very high relative to a long-run equilibrium level;
In attempting to explain why the dollar is so high it is necessary to begin by
recognizing that the dollar is one price in the complex general equilibrium system
that describes the global economy这些句子里的high要怎么理解,我翻译成美元的价值高,求大神解答,这篇翻译对我来说很重要

我虽然不是高手 但是学过宏微观货银 认为你的理解是对的用上下文联系 逻辑关系来看这句应该说的也是美元的升值之类的意思.我的翻译: 美国对外贸易和经常项目赤字的规模,解释了为什么美元相对于长期均衡水平会进一步...