


A terrifying accident happened in north-east China which destroyed more than 10 million RMB yuan in early April, 2007.
The accident was a wildfire lasted for one month. More than 200 victims were dead in the fire and more than 1000 people participated in the rescue. The horrible tragedy was triggered by a young worker who smoked there.
Smoking will damage your body, I hope smokers may give up it as soon as possible.

At the beginning of April in 2007,in northeast china ,an accident happened that made a stir across the whole country and caused more than 10 milion yuan economic loss .
this accident,is a ruthless fire,which last for a entire mouth and causes over 200 death,with more than 1000 firefighters ordered out .This vast harm is due to a young worker somking .Smoking makes against health,You are expected to give up that if you smoke.

In the beginning of April 2007, there was a accident rocked the nation in the northest of china,and the economic loss was more than one thousand yuan.
The accident is a ruthless fire,burning a full mouth,and leading to more than 200 people die, and the ambulancemen was about more than one thousand people.the great harm was caused only by a young worker smoking.
Smoking is harmful to health.I hope the smoking friend to give up smoking as soon as possible

In the beginning of April,2007, an amazing accident happened in the northeast of China , it made our economy lose more than one thousand.
This accident was a big fire which lasted for a month, and caused two hundreds people's deaths. It made one thousand rescusers to come here and solve this problem, but this huge damage was caused by a young worker who smoked.
Smoking is bad for health, please give up smoking as soon as possible.

In early April 2007,an accident occuring in the northeast of china shocked the whole country with a financial loss of over 10 million yuan.
This accident was,in fact,a ruthless fire which lasted for a month and caused more than 2oo deaths.About 1,000 people took part in rescuing.The great damage happened due to a young worker's smoking.
Smoking is harmful to health.And i hope those who smoke will give it up as soon as possible.

At the beginning of April,2007, there was a shocking accident in northeast china, which led to the finacial loss of ten million .

this accident was a ruthless fire, which lasted for almost one month, it caused over 200 deaths.
About one thousand people came to rescue.

what caused this big disaster was only a yong man smoking.

smoking is harmful to health, hope that everyone who likes smoking can give it up as soon as possible.