英语翻译你是我见过最善良的女孩,你如此的美丽让我忘乎所以,从我见到你的第一次 就觉得我们似曾相识 我愿意我用我的一生陪伴在你的身旁如果你愿意的话.我能想到最浪漫的事就是和你一起吃吃蛋糕


你是我见过最善良的女孩,你如此的美丽让我忘乎所以,从我见到你的第一次 就觉得我们似曾相识 我愿意我用我的一生陪伴在你的身旁如果你愿意的话.我能想到最浪漫的事就是和你一起吃吃蛋糕

You are the most kinghearted girl I have ever seen. You are so beautiful that I almost forget everything. Ever since the first sight I saw you, I feel we have seen each other before. I would like to spend my whole life staying together with you if you want. The most romantic thing I have ever known is eating cake together with you.

you are the kindest girl I've ever seen, you are so beautiful that make me forget who I am. since the first time we met, I strongly believe you and I have met somewhere before, I would like to accompany you to the end with all my life if possible. the most romantic thing I can come up with is to eat cakes together with you

you are the best girl i've ever met, you are so beautiful that make me forget who i am. since the first time we met, i strongly believe you and i have met somewhere before, i would like to accompany you to the end with all my life if possible. the most romantic thing i can come up with is to eat cakes together with you

you are the kindest girl i have ever met.
I can take my eyed off you,because you are so beautiful
I feel the deja vu between us since we met first time
从我见到你的第一次 就觉得我们似曾相识
I want to spend my live with you,if you wish
Tasting the cake with you is the most romantic thing i could imagine.

You are the nicest girl I have ever seen.Your beauty just blinded me of everything else.The first time I saw you I already had the feeling that we knew each other.If you want,I can spend my entire lif...

你是我见过最善良的女孩,你如此的美丽让我忘乎所以,从我见到你的第一次 就觉得我们似曾相识 我愿意我用我的一生陪伴在你的身旁如果你愿意的话。我能想到最浪漫的事就是和你一起吃吃蛋糕
You are the kindest girl that I've ever seen, and you are so beautiful that makes me not remember anything. For the first time that I see you, I feel that we seem to know each other before. I would like to spend the rest of my life accompanying you nearby if you don't mind. The most romantic thing that I can image is to eat cake with you.