英语翻译这篇文章主要讲了 MARY 对流行音乐的看法,她认为流行音乐对青少年儿童的影响既有好的一方面也有坏的一方面.


这篇文章主要讲了 MARY 对流行音乐的看法,她认为流行音乐对青少年儿童的影响既有好的一方面也有坏的一方面.

The passage mainly talked about the opinion given by Mary on the popular music. She thought the influences of popular music have both good effects and side effects.

This article mainly talks about Mary's opinions of pop music, she thinks that there are both positive and negative sides of the effects to teenagers from pop music.

This article mainly decribes Mary's idea to Pop music. She thinks Pop music has good and bad effects to juveniles

This article is mainly talked about MARY's opinion for popular music, she considered pop music impact on young children in the good way and the bad way.

This article was about mary's perspective on pop music, she believe pop music had positive affects on children as well as the negative affects.

The text is mainly about Mary's opinion to popular music. She thinks popular music not only do good but also do bad to teen-agers and children.

This article mainly talks about Mary's idea of pop music.She believes that pop music has positive influences on teenagers and children as well as negative ones.注:“affect”(一楼)做名词时意为——1....

This article mianly about the opinion of Mary to the pop music, she belives that the influence of the pop music on the adolescence has two sides effect,the positive and the negative.