翻译成英语 我的父母早上7点起床,为我们准备早餐,然后乘公共汽车去上班.工作时间从早上九点到晚上八点


翻译成英语 我的父母早上7点起床,为我们准备早餐,然后乘公共汽车去上班.工作时间从早上九点到晚上八点

.My parents morning get up at 7 o 'clock, prepare us for breakfast, and then go to work by bus. Working time is open from 9 am to 8 PM

My parents get up at 7 O'clock,prepare the breakfast for us,then go to work by bus.They work from 9 O'clock in the morning to 8 O'clock in the evening.