I really don't know_____ about it.选择(初二)A how to do B what to do C how can I do D what can I do选什么?为什么?


I really don't know_____ about it.选择(初二)
A how to do B what to do C how can I do D what can I do

I don't know what to do about my temporary job?
I'm on the 3rd day of a 6 week temp secretary booking and I hate it! I share the office with 4 others, who talk amongst themselves all day long in their own language and being English, I obviously don't understand. Also, I have to keep asking them to borrow their I.D. swipe badges to enable access to the toilet and kitchen, until my badge "gets sorted out". I don't want to stay here, but worry the agency may turn nasty. What do I do?


B.因为句子缺少TO DO 的宾语成分,恰好WHAT满足这一条件.