英语翻译1,这个句子如何翻译2.there is 后面为什么 用介词ofimprovement应为improvements,另外,这里面的感叹句不是应该这样说:what little of my spare there is 才对么?造这个句子的人解释说这是个宾语从句,have taken后接的是个感叹句,其正常语序是what little of my spare time there is 难道感叹句可以把there is 拿到前面么?


2.there is 后面为什么 用介词of
improvement应为improvements,另外,这里面的感叹句不是应该这样说:what little of my spare there is 才对么?
造这个句子的人解释说这是个宾语从句,have taken后接的是个感叹句,其正常语序是what little of my spare time there is 难道感叹句可以把there is 拿到前面么?

The home improvement have taken what little there is of my spare time.
what little of my spare there is ?(什么是我的业余时间很少有?)

the home improvements have take my that little spare time 才对吧。
how little spare time i have ,sadly, i have to do home improvements!

2、其实,我把这句分开(用“/”表示),你就懂了:The home improvement have taken what little there is /of my spare time.就是倒过来一下,把there is移到了后面,可以是:There is the home improvement have taken what little of my spare time.
Are you OK?同意的,加我
