英语语句改错1、In the morning,the chaldren goto school by bike.2、Usually children go to school by foot.3、Mrs.Brown usually stay at home in the morning.4、We usually watch the television at nignt.5、Do you have some potatos,please?6、They go to Korea by the plane.7、At moment,they are cleaning the classroom.8、Today is a unusually day.9、A cat have four feet.10、That shop has shirts of all size.


1、In the morning,the chaldren goto school by bike.
2、Usually children go to school by foot.
3、Mrs.Brown usually stay at home in the morning.
4、We usually watch the television at nignt.
5、Do you have some potatos,please?
6、They go to Korea by the plane.
7、At moment,they are cleaning the classroom.
8、Today is a unusually day.
9、A cat have four feet.
10、That shop has shirts of all size.

Children usually go to school on foot

  1. In the morning,the children go to school by bike.

  2. Usually children go to school on foot.

  3. Mrs.Brown usually stays at home in the morning.

  4. We usually watch television at nignt.

  5. Do you have any potatos,please?

  6. They go to Korea by plane.

  7. At the moment,they are cleaning the classroom.

  8. Today is an unusually day.

  9. A cat has four feet.

  10. That shop have shirts of all sizes.

The children goto school by bike this morning.

7、At the moment

1、In the morning,children go to school by bike.2、Usually children go to school on foot.3、Mrs.Brown usually stays at home in the morning.4、We usually watch television at night.5、Do you have some p...