英语改写句子、保持句意不变1、This computer is small enough to put in your pocket This computer is -------small-------you-----put it in your pocket 2、Tom is so thin that he can run fast Tom is ----- ------to run fast


1、This computer is small enough to put in your pocket This computer is -------small-------you-----put it in your pocket 2、Tom is so thin that he can run fast Tom is ----- ------to run fast

This computer is so small that you can put it in your pocket
Tom is thin enough to run fast
这两道题考的是so that 如此。。以至于 和 adj.+enough 的转换

so that can
thin enough

This computer is so small that you can put it in your pocket
Tom is thin enough to run fast

1 so that can
2 thin enough

1.This computer is small enough to put in your pocket
This computer is【so】small【that】you【can】put it in your pocket
2.Tom is so thin that he can run fast
Tom is【thin】【enough】to run fast