

He is a worker.
Is he a worker?
1.Englieh is very important.
2.He has a lot of books.
3.You are reading today's newspaper.
4.We shall go now.
5.He must come early.
6.They have already gone.
7.He knows Englieh.
8.They work very hard.

1.Englieh is very important.
Is English very important?
yes,it is/No,it isn't.
2.He has a lot of books.
Does he have a lot of books?
Yes,he does./No,he doesn't.
3 You are reading today's newspaper?
Are you reading today's newspaper?
yes,I am/No,I am not.
4.We shall go now.
Shall we go now?
5.He must come early.
Must he come early?
Yes,he must/No,he needn't
6.They have already gone.
Did they have already go?
Yes,he did/No,he didn't
7.He knows Englieh.
Does he know Engliah?
Yes,he does/No,he doesn't
8.They work very hard
Do they work very hard?
Yes,they do/No,they don't