One summer evening as I was cooking dinner,there was a knock at the door.I opened it and saw a tOn his next trip,as a gift,he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters (牡蛎) I had never seen.In the years he came to help overnight with us,and there was never a time he did not bring us some fish or vegetables from his garden.I know our family will always be thankful to have known him,from him we learn what was to accept the bad without a complaint and th


One summer evening as I was cooking dinner,there was a knock at the door.I opened it and saw a t
On his next trip,as a gift,he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters (牡蛎) I had never seen.In the years he came to help overnight with us,and there was never a time he did not bring us some fish or vegetables from his garden.
I know our family will always be thankful to have known him,from him we learn what was to accept the bad without a complaint and the good with thanks.



一个夏晚,我正做晚饭,这时有人敲门.我开门看见一个长相难看的人.但他的声音很好听,他说,我想知道 你是否有房间 能让我暂居一晚.我今早从东岸过来看病,明天早晨才会有车.”他对我说 他找地方住 但是没找到.我说我愿意为他找个睡觉的地方 不过是在门廊里.我回屋准备晚饭.我们准备吃饭时,我问他是否愿意和我们一起吃.他说,“不用了,我有吃的.”当我们吃完饭时,我出去跟他闲聊.我很快发现这个老人虽瘦小 却有着宽怀的心.他告诉我他以打鱼为生来养活他的女儿,以及她的五个孩子,还有她的背部有残疾的丈夫.睡觉时,我们为他在孩子房里放了张床.在他下一次来时,他带了一条大鱼和一些我从未见过的新鲜牡蛎 作为给我们的礼物.随后几年 他经常在 我家过夜 并帮我们,没有一次不给我们带鱼或他自种的蔬菜.我知道我们全家人都很庆幸认识他,从他身上我们学到了 毫无抱怨地接受不好的命运并以感恩的心态接受恩惠.