Today is the last Saturday before Christmas.Everyone in the USA __1__ shopping for presents.__2__ is falling.People are walking fast.They are trying to keep __3__ when they move from shop to shop.In the shops children are __4__ at the toys.They are talking to a man called Father Christmas.He asks,“ What do you want for Christmas?” In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer.The trees and fields are green then.But now it is winter and __5__ is white.


Today is the last Saturday before Christmas.Everyone in the USA __1__ shopping for presents.__2__ is falling.People are walking fast.They are trying to keep __3__ when they move from shop to shop.In the shops children are __4__ at the toys.They are talking to a man called Father Christmas.He asks,“ What do you want for Christmas?” In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer.The trees and fields are green then.But now it is winter and __5__ is white.At __6__ there are different colours.Small lights make the houses and buildings __7__.Christmas is a beautiful __8__ of a year.Christmas Day always begins before __9__.Children wake up very early.They open the __10__ from their parents.Then they wake up their parents,saying “ Merry Christmas.” ( ) C.was ( )2.A.Snow B.Rain C.Leaf D.Kite ( )3.A.happy B.nice C.cold D.warm ( )4.A.seeing B.see C.looking D.look ( )5.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.some things ( )6.A.evening B.night C.morning D.afternoon ( )7.A.bad B.nice C.old ( )8.A.time’s B.times’ C.times D.time ( )9.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner ( )10.A.doors B.presents D.TV