英语翻译这个是讲述一个变速箱里的一个同步环(外表面带有锥面的,内表面带有油槽)的功能特点:therefore the presented friction layer has distinctive oil drainage grooves and a high,well defined porosity.(这一句我翻译出来)the opposite cone is case hardened and ground or hard turned.


therefore the presented friction layer has distinctive oil drainage grooves and a high,well defined porosity.(这一句我翻译出来)
the opposite cone is case hardened and ground or hard turned.


therefore the presented friction layer has distinctive oil drainage grooves and a high,well defined porosity.:因此,所提出的摩擦层,具有鲜明的石油排水槽和高,明确的孔隙度。
the opposite cone is case hardened and ground or hard turned.:相反锥情况和地面硬化或硬关闭。

the opposite cone is case hardened and ground or hard turned.
对应的锥面硬度很高 并且 很坚实.
其实你不明白的是那几个并列形容词吧 意译的话 后面两个中取一个就行