(急)英译汉Forthese four communities,mean distance may reflect proximity to the forest,andnot necessarily spatial discounting alone.Eliminating these four communitiesfrom the analysis,the distance/attachment relationship becomes insignificantfor the eight remaining communities ‘inside the forest’.Thus,the evidence isinconclusive about the relationship between community place attach- ment andmean distance to environmental value centroids.The ranked mean dista
Forthese four communities,mean distance may reflect proximity to the forest,andnot necessarily spatial discounting alone.Eliminating these four communitiesfrom the analysis,the distance/attachment relationship becomes insignificantfor the eight remaining communities ‘inside the forest’.Thus,the evidence isinconclusive about the relationship between community place attach- ment andmean distance to environmental value centroids.The ranked mean distance ofaggregate environmental values was also positively related to the rankedabundance of special places near the community (r = .77,p .05) and scenery outside the community (r =.64,p .05).
Relationship between distance from roadsand environmental values
A visual examination of the point patterns of therespondents suggested that some value locations are more than a function ofdistance from the community – they also appear to be a function of proximity ofroad access to the landscape.