Please answer the question in english,Thankyou!what do you think are the biggest difficulties for part-time students?And how do you plan to cope with these difficulties?


Please answer the question in english,Thankyou!
what do you think are the biggest difficulties for part-time students?And how do you plan to cope with these difficulties?

the biggest difficulty is effect our study



In my opinion.the biggest difficulties for part-time students are whether it will influnce our study,do we master the skills that the job request,do our free time fits the working time~以我来看,最大的困难是,工作是否会影响我们的学业?我们能掌握工作所需要的技巧吗?以及我们的空余时间是否符合工作要求的时间。。。

The most difficult thing for part-time students is that if we can earn money .
Handle it?In my opinion ,we can do some valuble thing during summer and winter holiday ,or you can enjoy your holiday at home and do nothing ,just waste your own time and the money from your parents.