英语翻译公路路基施工与如何控制沥青混凝土路面的平整度路基作为道路的基础,在公路工程中起着重要作用,它直接影响着沥青混凝土路面的质量与平整度.路基施工的管理问题是工程建设者们一直探索和要解决的问题,而路面平整度是评定路面质量的主要技术指标之一,它关系到行车的安全、舒适以及路面所受冲击力的大小和使用寿命.路面平整度是评定路面质量的主要技术指标之一,它关系到行车的安全、舒适以及路面所受冲击力的大小和使用寿命.就如何确保路基工程施工质量,加快进度,提高经济效益,如何控制沥青混凝土路面的质量与平整度等需注意的几个问题进行探讨.关键词 路基;施工;质量控制;沥青混凝土路面;平整度


关键词 路基;施工;质量控制;沥青混凝土路面;平整度

Highway roadbed construction and how to control the flatness of Asphalt Concrete Pavement
As a basis for road subgrade in highway engineering plays an important role, which directly affects the quality of asphalt concrete pavement and flatness. Subgrade construction management issues are the builders have been to explore and to solve the problem, but the road surface roughness is assessed the quality of one of the major technical indicators, which related to driving safety, comfort and the road impact suffered by the size and life. Pavement roughness is the assessment of the quality of the road, one of the major technical indicators, it relates to driving safety, comfort and the road impact suffered by the size and life. Subgrade construction on how to ensure the quality, speed up progress, improving economic efficiency, how to control the quality of asphalt concrete pavement and the formation degree should pay attention to several issues were discussed.

Thesis on Highway Roadbed Construction and Control the Flatness of Asphalt Concrete Pavement
As the basis of a highway, subgrade which directly affects the quality of asphalt concrete pavement and flatness in highway engineering, plays an important role.


Highway roadbed construction and how to control the flatness of Asphalt Concrete Pavement
As a basis for road subgrade in highway engineering plays an important role, which directly affects the quality of asphalt concrete pavement and flatness. Subgrade construction management issues are the builders have been to explore and to solve the problem, but the road surface roughness is assessed the quality of one of the major technical indicators, which related to driving safety, comfort and the road impact suffered by the size and life. Pavement roughness is the assessment of the quality of the road, one of the major technical indicators, it relates to driving safety, comfort and the road impact suffered by the size and life. Subgrade construction on how to ensure the quality, speed up progress, improving economic efficiency, how to control the quality of asphalt concrete pavement and the formation degree should pay attention to several issues were discussed.
Keywords subgrade; construction; quality control; asphalt concrete pavement; Smoothness

The highway roadbed is under construction and the roadbed how to control bitulith road surface levelling degree is the road basis,it is having direct impact to bitulith road surface mass and levelling...