各位大哥大姐帮小妹做一做英文吧在括号里填上合适的词,首字母已给Australia is a b( )country.Australia is also a young country w( )a history of only about 200 years.It is a little smaller than our country.Not like many o( ) country,it is in the south part of the earth.In june july august,it is summer in our country,but it is w( ) in Australia.It is very interesting,isn't it?There are more people in Australia than that in Shanghai.They come to live in Australia from more than 100 countr


Australia is a b( )country.Australia is also a young country w( )a history of only about 200 years.It is a little smaller than our country.Not like many o( ) country,it is in the south part of the earth.In june july august,it is summer in our country,but it is w( ) in Australia.It is very interesting,isn't it?
There are more people in Australia than that in Shanghai.They come to live in Australia from more than 100 countries.Most people live in cities.Of all the cities in Australia,Sydney is the b( )

big with our winter biggest



beautiful with other winter best
哈哈 大哥做好了 给分吧

Australia is a b(eautiful )country.Australia is also a young country w( ith)a history of only about 200 years.It is a little smaller than our country.Not like many o(ther ) country,it is in the south...