给词的适当形式填空 1.Our plane landed ( ) (safe) in Beijing at 10:00 last 2.给词的适当形式填空1.Our plane landed ( ) (safe) in Beijing at 10:00 last 2.The most ( ) (interest) thimg is to go bieyeling3.They have comfortable rooms ( )(live ) in4.It was an ( ) (excite ) experience for me to climb Mount Tai last week5.After a day of ( ) (sell) flowers ,he raised a lot of money 汉语意思,完成下列句子.1.I’ll telephone you ( )( )( )(一.就) we arrive there2.It ( )(花费) us ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(几乎


给词的适当形式填空 1.Our plane landed ( ) (safe) in Beijing at 10:00 last 2.
1.Our plane landed ( ) (safe) in Beijing at 10:00 last
2.The most ( ) (interest) thimg is to go bieyeling
3.They have comfortable rooms ( )(live ) in
4.It was an ( ) (excite ) experience for me to climb Mount Tai last week
5.After a day of ( ) (sell) flowers ,he raised a lot of money
1.I’ll telephone you ( )( )( )(一.就) we arrive there
2.It ( )(花费) us ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(几乎整个晚上) to mend the machine
3.We visited the Great Wall ( ) ( ) ( )(在白天)
4.There is a ( )(寺庙)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(山脚下) the mountain .
5.We’ll ( ) ( )(租船) to enjoy the night of the Min River ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (在户外)

1.Our plane landed ( safely )in Beijing at 10:00 last
2.The most (interesting) thing is to go bicycling
3.They have comfortable rooms (to live ) in.
4.It was an (exciting ) experience for me to climb Mount Tai last week
5.After a day of (selling) flowers ,he raised a lot of money
1.I’ll telephone you ( as )( soon )( as )(一.就) we arrive there
2.It ( took)(花费) us ( nearly ) ( the ) ( whole ) ( night)(几乎整个晚上) to mend the machine.
3.We visited the Great Wall ( in ) ( the ) ( daytime )(在白天)
4.There is a ( temple)(寺庙)( at) (the) ( foot ) ( of )(山脚下) the mountain .
5.We’ll ( rent ) ( boats )(租船) to enjoy the night of the Min River ( in ) ( the) ( open) (air) (在户外)