



Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent 10 years, the service industry as a new growth point for the economy of hubei province, has developed very quickly, to alleviate the pressure of employment, transformation of the mode of economic development, to carry out the concept of scientific development has made outstanding contribution. But from hubei economic and social development stage see, especially with the world developed country and domestic developed area compared, hubei service industry development is relatively slow, the structure, not the superior still outstanding.
This paper mainly to 2000 years to the actual situation of the development of hubei province as the background, the main use of basic statistics data, to speed up the development of service industry and promote the strategic significance of hubei province, the present situation of the development of service industry and characteristics, the existing problems and reasons of the empirical analysis, and reference to the intern

Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent 10 years, service industry as a new economic growth point of Hubei, had rapidder development, in alleviate obtain employment pressure, change the mode of economic development, implement the scientific outlook on development, made outstanding contribution. But from Hubei economic and social development level looks, especially with developed countries in the world and country develop area photograph is compared, the development of Hubei service industry lags behind relatively, structure and not the problems still outstanding.
This paper mainly in 2000 to Hubei service industry development 's actual situation as the background, the main use of statistical data, to accelerate the development and promotion of the service sector, the strategic significance of Hubei service industry development present situation and the characteristic, existing problems and reasons and empirical analysis, and drawing lessons from international experience and developed provinces and cities, in the follow economic laws on the basis, combined with the Hubei comprehensive construction well-off society overall demand, for a long time in the future the development of service industry of Hubei key, and accelerate the development of service industry and improving countermeasures are studied and discussed, in order to realize the "Twelfth Five-Year plan" period of Hubei service industry in the rapid and healthy development and provide a theoretical basis and empirical material.


Since The Reform and Opening up,especially nearly ten years,Service industry as the new economic growth of Hubei province increase fast.It made outstanding contributions to employment,transformation of economic development and Implement the scientific concept of development.But in the view of Hubei's economic and social development stage,and compare with the developed country and domestic developed regions,the Development is lagging behind,the structure is irrational.
This paper analyzes the status,characteristics,and causes of the development of service industry in Hubei,base the statistical data since 2000.It in-depth study and explore the focus of development in the coming period,and try to provide theoretical basis and empirical material for service industry of Hubei in Twelfth Five-Year Plan.