


A smile to their
     Still remember last year, the "high-end access," is an interview with Bill Gates, most of what he can not forget the experience of success, he said this quote: "I am successful is because all of them immersed in the failure of the pain, I have already started a new design. When all of them enjoy the joy of success, I have already failed attempts. As a Chinese saying: 'victory is not arrogance, failure is not hungry', I victory and the like will not be knocked down, but also a failure and regret will not be destroyed, there is more than just a smile. "
    This can be described as classic. Real life, Bill Gates is to do so, when all of Microsoft's software viruses was almost nothing left, the danger of being broken, he laughed and had the face of the virus, three days after Bill Gates developed by the new generation of antivirus software to save everything. In the latest Microsoft System w indow s - xp successfully developed, the Bill Gates easily smiled, the beginning of another system.
   The world's richest man and the difference between ordinary people is more than the face of his heart smile.
    Laughter is also a pessimist and the optimist's a huge difference. Edison's filament in the election material so experienced the failure of thousands of times. After each failure, his aides are annoyed look, and Edison is said with a smile: "What is troubling, the failure of the first, it proves that we rule out the possibility of a wrong answer, a step away from the success of the past!"
   Do not look down on you, they smile, a smile to the contempt of the difficulties you courage, a smile will change your life. When the life of the mountain like a huge pressure on you, give you strength and self-confident smile is.
   In fact, not difficult to smile, bend mouth, and that is laughter. But the difficulty is a laugh from the heart. In the face of setbacks and unfortunate days must laugh in a calm; in a very melancholy mood of the day, smiling in a number of self-confidence should increase, not to be understood in the days to come by misunderstanding, we should add a trace of laughter in debauchery . Laughter is not difficult, it is difficult to grasp the scale laughing.
   Do not complain about life too much to its own suffering, too many twists and turns, and too much pain to himself a smile! Let you in a calm and less formal; increase the number of happy, less sad; plus some self-confidence, by a trace of inferiority.
   Not too much to face their own, do not be too indulgent, not to be too mean, and the hands should be holding the balance of life, to find their own benchmark smile.
   After all, it is not hard to smile.
这段话可称为经典.现实生活中比尔·盖茨也是这样做的,当微软的全部软件几乎被病毒侵害得所剩无几,危在旦夕时,他面对着病毒一笑而过,三天之后由比尔·盖茨研制成的新一代杀毒软件拯救了一切.而在微软的最新系统w indow s - xp研制成功后,比尔·盖茨轻松地笑笑,开始了又一个系统的研制.