英语翻译1 第一句是昨天他又忘了关门了(forget)2 喝开水有益健康吗?(good)3 每个孩子每天应该花点时间在户外玩(spend)4 过去我们从没见过这么严重的食品问题(Never...)5 毫无疑问,这起事故是由于对公共安全的无知所造成的(cause)6 石油的燃烧污染环境,因此许多国家认为目前发展清洁能源是很重要的(it) 要用到括号里的单词 真的比较急...过了15分钟 就不要回答了 少几句没关系 回答全的


1 第一句是昨天他又忘了关门了(forget)
2 喝开水有益健康吗?(good)
3 每个孩子每天应该花点时间在户外玩(spend)
4 过去我们从没见过这么严重的食品问题(Never...)
5 毫无疑问,这起事故是由于对公共安全的无知所造成的(cause)
6 石油的燃烧污染环境,因此许多国家认为目前发展清洁能源是很重要的(it)
要用到括号里的单词 真的比较急...
过了15分钟 就不要回答了 少几句没关系 回答全的

1.The first sentence is that he had forgotten to close the door again.
2.Is drinking water good to our health?
3.Every child is supposed to spend sometime on playing outdoor games.
4.Never had we seen such serious food problems.
5.There's no doult that this accident was caused by ignorance of public security.
6.Many countries think it is important to develop clean energy at prensent because of the pollution of oil burning.

1.he forgot to close the door again yesterday.2.Is drinking water go to the health?3.Every child should spend sometime to play outside.4.We never seen such a serious problem on food.5.No wander,this a...