How much beer (in grams) do you need to consume in order to sit in a Prof.Jung’sPhysics of Sports class that lasts 80 minutes?Assume that the beer is the only source of energyfor this activity and you do not use any of the stored energy in your body.Also assume that youdon’t fall asleep.(Hint:Use the information provided on the class hand-out sheets.)


How much beer (in grams) do you need to consume in order to sit in a Prof.Jung’s
Physics of Sports class that lasts 80 minutes?Assume that the beer is the only source of energy
for this activity and you do not use any of the stored energy in your body.Also assume that you
don’t fall asleep.(Hint:Use the information provided on the class hand-out sheets.)

3 做除法
第二步:或知道啤酒的成份配比 及每种成份的热值,加权算 出单位重量的热值