英语翻译浅析“太史公曰”在《史记》中的作用摘要:《史记》原名《太史公书》,是我国第一部纪传体通史.在古代史书中,具有具有无法替代的影响和意义.“太史公曰”开创了一种新的史学评论形式,表达自己的思想主张和观点.“太史公约”是《史记》的灵魂,所包含的内容十分广泛,既包含了帝王将相,又包含了平民百姓,还有江湖术士、刺客、游侠等三教九流,是一部十分完善的记实史书.因此,“太史公约”对《史记》的影响十分深远、作用很大.关键词:《史记》 太史公曰 作用


关键词:《史记》 太史公曰 作用

Abstract: the shiji formerly known as "TaiShiGong book, is China's first JiChuanTi history. In ancient history, has irreplaceable influence has significance and meaning. Taishigong's words started a new historiography comments form, express their views and ideas. "TaiShi convention" is shiji soul, contains the content is very extensive, which includes not only the Kings and princes, and contains civilians, and river-lake warlock, assassins, rangers, etc, everybody is a very perfect documentaries history. Therefore, "TaiShi convention" to shiji's influence are huge, function greatly.
Keywords: shiji TaiShiGong yue role

Analyses taishigong's words in shiji in the roleAbstract:the shiji formerly known as "TaiShiGong book,is China's first JiChuanTi history.In ancient history,has irreplaceable influence has significance...