英语翻译1.哆拉A 梦的结局是:有一天大雄醒来发现什么都没有了 ,一切都只是一场梦...2.原来,我们都受过伤.以后,走过这段值得珍惜的时光.3.黑夜如果太黑暗,我们就闭上眼看,希望若不熄灭就会亮成心中的星光!


1.哆拉A 梦的结局是:有一天大雄醒来发现什么都没有了 ,一切都只是一场梦...

Eighth grade mathematics (c)第8页,共8页

doraA dream: one day nobita woke up to find anything , everything is just a dream...!

2. originally, we have received.Then, we have to be happy, through the cherish .

3. night if it is too dark, we'll close contact with the eye, I hope that if the lights go to in the minds of the stars!

1.The end of Doraemon is:one day Nobita wakes up and finds that everything has just been a dream with nothing left.
2.Before,we had all been hurt.Afterwards,everyone must be happy,walking through these days worth of memory.
3.If the night is too dark,we just close our eyes and look; if hope does not go out,it will be shining starlight in our hearts.