请问,My mother said,"what did you see when you looked out of the window?"变为间接引语怎么说?为什书上说,直接引语中有when ,while ,since引导的时间状语从句变为间接引语时主句时态前移,从句不变.其它连词引导的时间状语从句变间接引语时怎么变呢?


请问,My mother said,"what did you see when you looked out of the window?"变为间接引语怎么说?为什
书上说,直接引语中有when ,while ,since引导的时间状语从句变为间接引语时主句时态前移,从句不变.其它连词引导的时间状语从句变间接引语时怎么变呢?

my mother asked what I had seen when I looked out of the window

My mother said what have you seen when you looked out of the window?

My mother asked what I saw when I looked out of the window.