例:问How ofen do you watch television?答I watch television every nigt.(every night)问How often do you eat out?答 (sometimes) 问How often do you play table tennis with your father?答 (once a week) 问How often do you win?答 (seldom) 问How often do you visit other cities?答 (four times a year) 问How often do you play computer games?答 (never)要跟据()内的单词回答,急用。


例:问How ofen do you watch television?答I watch television every nigt.(every night)
问How often do you eat out?答 (sometimes) 问How often do you play table tennis with your father?答 (once a week) 问How often do you win?答 (seldom) 问How often do you visit other cities?答 (four times a year) 问How often do you play computer games?答 (never)