补全对话.根据对话习惯及内容,在空白处填入一个适当的词,使对话意思完整通顺,一空一词.A:What shall we do today?B:Well,we could visit the old town of this city.There we can see many snall and quiet streets with green _1_ on both sides.Their leaves almost _2_ all the steets.A:I'd _3_ to do that _4_ .I don't feel like _5_ very much today.B:Maybe we could borrow two _6_ from my friend Lin Lei who lives in this city,and we may _7_ the bikes to him when we _8_ this city next Monday.We could visit th


A:What shall we do today?
B:Well,we could visit the old town of this city.There we can see many snall and quiet streets with green _1_ on both sides.Their leaves almost _2_ all the steets.
A:I'd _3_ to do that _4_ .I don't feel like _5_ very much today.
B:Maybe we could borrow two _6_ from my friend Lin Lei who lives in this city,and we may _7_ the bikes to him when we _8_ this city next Monday.We could visit the streets by bike _9_ of walking.
A:Good idea!But we must do some _10_ first.We need to buy some food and drinks.

1:trees 2:fall on[这个不确定噢 因为你说一个词,个人感觉不太好]
3:like/love 4:sometime 5:doing it[feel like+doing sth才对噢..]
6:bikes[后文有提示] 7:return 8:visit 9:instead 10:preparations