把下列句子变为被动语态.1,she has told me about the story.2.We have completed all the preparations for the tast,abd we are readyto start.


把下列句子变为被动语态.1,she has told me about the story.2.
We have completed all the preparations for the tast,abd we are ready
to start.

1. i has been told about the story by her.
2. all teh preparations have been completed for the task.....

1. The story of hers was told to me by her.
2. All the preparations for the tast have been completed, and we are ready to start.
(We are ready to start with all the preparations for the tast being completed.)

I has been told about the story by her.

All the preparations have been completed by us and we are ready to start.

The story has been told by she.


1.I have been told the story by her./The story has been told by her to me.2.All the preparations for the task have been completed by us,and we are ready to start.