英语翻译国外有恨多世界文明的大文豪,比方说莎士比亚,他的书籍剧本都有很大影响力.其中《罗密欧与朱丽叶》讲述了感人的凄美爱情,《王子复仇记》这部不朽剧作中,始终存在着善良与邪恶之间一系列激烈的矛盾冲突,让人看得畅快淋漓又不失惋惜.但是在中国的历史长河中孔子,诗仙李白等也是闪光的浪花.中国不仅在文化上博大精深而且有好多名山大川,还有好多优美的自然风光,黄山 西湖 日月潭 .有空可以出去转转.不要以为没有的比拥有的好 要发现周围的美好.要当演讲用!麻烦不要用在线翻译 有好心的那位路过的可以指导下的口口联系 呜呜


中国不仅在文化上博大精深而且有好多名山大川,还有好多优美的自然风光,黄山 西湖 日月潭 .有空可以出去转转.
不要以为没有的比拥有的好 要发现周围的美好.
麻烦不要用在线翻译 有好心的那位路过的可以指导下的口口联系 呜呜

Many foreign of world civilization giant, for example, his books Shakespeare's plays are great influence. Among them, "romeo and Juliet" tells the story of the beautiful, love, the moving record "this immortal prince revenge drama, there are always good and evil a series of intense conflict between, let a person see and not to feel sorry for a porch. But in China during the long history of Confucius, by li bai and so on is also the flash of the waves.
China not only in the broad and profound culture and have a lot of famous mountains, there're a lot of beautiful natural landscape, huangshan mountain west lake lake... Free can go out to walk around.
Do not think that no more than have to find the good around.

Abroad there is hatred for the world civilization and of great wordsmiths,His books, plays a very big influence. one of "romeo and juliet a lonely feeling of love, the prince revenge of the immortal throughout。Always exists between good and evil, a series of violent conflict and to have delicious and not regret. but in chinese history, the poem immortal li bai and is flashing foam.
China not only in culture and profound scholarship and spend a lot, there are many beautiful natural scenery in huangshan and the west lake, pool of... is free to go around.
Don't think there is no more than you have better to discover the good.

Many foreign literary giants are famouse all over the world,the greatest among which is Shakespeare.All of his works have a powerful influence.His beautiful romantic stories "Romeo and Juliet" deeply moved all generations ,His enduring "Hamlet" revealed a series of sharp conflics and contradictions between virtue and evil,which leaves readers exciting and piting,However,there are many brilliant masters in the river of chinese long history,such as Confucius and Libai --the sparking waves in the river.
China boasts an profound culture and wonderful natual views.Such as Huangshan mountain west lake and Riyue Pool.All are nice places to visit.
What you're longing for are not always better than the one you have.建议你下文多写些中国的文学作品来和国外作品做比较,以突出“不要以为没有的比拥有的好 要发现周围的美好”这个主题,不要写风景.