a,OKb,Good ideac,It’s behind the treed,By bikee,Let’s go to the parkf,Look!It's near the chair g,But how shall we go?h,It was there a moment ago.But it isn't there nowi,Where is it now?j,Oh.Where is my bike


b,Good idea
c,It’s behind the tree
d,By bike
e,Let’s go to the park
f,Look!It's near the chair
g,But how shall we go?
h,It was there a moment ago.But it isn't there now
i,Where is it now?
j,Oh.Where is my bike

e,Let’s go to the park
b,Good idea
g,But how shall we go?
d,By bike
i,Where is it now?
f,Look!It's near the chair h,It was there a moment ago.But it isn't there now
c,It’s behind the tree
j,Oh.Where is my bike