


一般现在时 i learn English at school.
一般将来时 i will go camping next weekend.
一般过去时 i had a little cat.
现在进行时 i am doing homework now.
过去进行时 i was drawing picture yesterday.
将来进行时 i will be writing composition tomorrow.

I am a student in high school.
She likes reading.
He works in a food company.
Mr Wang plays basketball well.
I am good at English.
She is going to university.
Mrs Lee is to give birth to a baby.
I will go shopping tomorrow.
He will change his job someday.
Xiaoming is going to take exams.
She liked reading once.
I went to supermaket yesterday.
I was the tallest girl when I was in primary school.
My mother was very beautiful when she was young.
He used to go to gyms.
I am reading.
She is listening to the music now.
They are playing the piano right now.
Are you kidding me?
He is doing his homework.
I was reading when my mother came in.
My mother was doing house work when I got home.
She was working for a factory during that time.
He was pursuing his dream at that time.
Mr Wang was washing his hand when I saw him.
She will be studying in the university in the next month.
I will be reading at this time tomorrow.
Mr Wang will be teaching us the next semester.
You will be doing your homework at 6pm tomorrow.
He will be playing basket ball if you go to the gym during the PE class tomorrow.