将下列陈述句改为一般疑问句并作肯否定回答.1.l have a pen.2.she has a tv.3.they have a sports club 4.he has a ping pong ball 用括号中所给的单词正确形式填空.1.( ) {us}are friends.2.you can have more( ){book} 3.jenny( ){have}a computer.4.eris often( ) {play}basketball.5.l( ){not have}a tennis racket 按要求完成句子 1.do you have a computer game?(做否定回答)2.does she have a sports sollection?(做肯定回答)3.l have a soccer ball.(把a换成five改写句子)4.he plays baseball(改写否定句) 5.ed smith watches tv in the morning.(改为一


将下列陈述句改为一般疑问句并作肯否定回答.1.l have a pen.2.she has a tv.
3.they have a sports club 4.he has a ping pong ball 用括号中所给的单词正确形式填空.1.( ) {us}are friends.2.you can have more( ){book} 3.jenny( ){have}a computer.4.eris often( ) {play}basketball.5.l( ){not have}a tennis racket 按要求完成句子 1.do you have a computer game?(做否定回答)2.does she have a sports sollection?(做肯定回答)3.l have a soccer ball.(把a换成five改写句子)4.he plays baseball(改写否定句) 5.ed smith watches tv in the morning.(改为一般疑问句)

[we ] [book ] [ has ] [ playing ] [ not has ] [ yes,Ihave ] [ yes,she does ] [I have five soccer balls] [he don"t play baseball]规划*

[we ] [book ] [ has ] [ playing ] [ not has ] [ yes,Ihave ] [ yes,she does ] [I have five soccer balls] [he don"t play baseball]

1,do you have a pen?yes, i do;no, i don't2,does she have a tv?yes,she does'no,she doesn't3,do they have a sports club?yes,they do;no,they don't4,does he have a pingpong ball?yes,he does,no,he doesn't1...

Do you have a pen ? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does she have a TV? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't
Do they have a sports club? Yes, they do. No, they don't
Does he have a ping pong ball ? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't
don't have
No, I don't
Yes, she does
I have five soccer balls.
He doesn't play baseball
Does Ed Smith watch TV in the morning ?