RT.最近开学在复习中.碰到了一些问题.1.A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in ___legA.a B.one C.the D.his但是不明白为什么.是不是后面是固定搭配?还是别的?2.The cakes are delicious.He'd like to have___third one because_____second one is rather too small.A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a这个完全不懂了.为什么不全是the呢?明明都是序数词3.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain_________good knowledge of basic word formation.A./ B.the C.a D.one有些不太懂题目的意思.4.On _________news today,there were_______r


1.A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in ___leg
A.a B.one C.the D.his
2.The cakes are delicious.He'd like to have___third one because_____second one is rather too small.
A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D.the;a
3.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain_________good knowledge of basic word formation.
A./ B.the C.a D.one
4.On _________news today,there were_______reports of heavy sonw in that area.
A.the;the B.the;/ C./;/ D./;the
5.As a rule,domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid__________
A.by the hour B.by hour C.by an hour D.by hours

1.固定句型 hit/bite sb on/in +部位
2. a thied one表示第三快,由于第二快=块已经吃过,必须用The表示特指 a表示泛指。
3.gain a good knowledge of 固定搭配
4. the news 特指报道大雪的那一则,reports 为复数形式,不用the.
5..by the hour 固定搭配

1 打/拉/ 伤着某人 用固定句型 动词+介词( in on by)+the +部位
2 第一空用a 表示又一 再一个的意思 第二个空是序数词的一般用法 前面要加 the 表示第几
3 固定搭配 gain /have a good knowledge of
4 on the news 在新闻里 你当固定搭配记 第二个空 一般可数名词复数前不加冠词
5 by the hour 固定搭配 按小时算
多做题 多记

1、in the leg ,in the arm ,记住这一类的都是加the2、想再吃一块因为第二块too small,the second one是特指第二块,a second/third one都是又一个,只是这个又前面堆积的数量不一样罢了,也可以说是泛指3、a knowledge...
