英语题(文章填词)首字母填空11.Americans love cars.They go e______ in them.85%people in the US go to and from work by car.And most adults have driving licenses.Why does this car culture exist?2.They borrowed money from the gpvernment to buy houses and cars.They became the s_______ of importance.The more money they had,he bigger their cars were.


1.Americans love cars.They go e______ in them.85%people in the US go to and from work by car.And most adults have driving licenses.Why does this car culture exist?
2.They borrowed money from the gpvernment to buy houses and cars.They became the s_______ of importance.The more money they had,he bigger their cars were.


据句意、汉语提示及首字母填词 1.I have a friend at school. 2.Take the dictionary to our classroom. 介词填空 1.The desks are on the floor.

1 everywhere

everywhere, symbols