英文数学应用题、高手进...The density Property of Real Numbers states that between any two real numbers,there is another real number.a.Does the set of integers have this property?Explainb.Use the density Property to write a convincing argument that there are infinitely many real numbers between 0 and 1.


The density Property of Real Numbers states that between any two real numbers,there is another real number.
a.Does the set of integers have this property?Explain
b.Use the density Property to write a convincing argument that there are infinitely many real numbers between 0 and 1.


题目是给出了density property,这个公理表明在任意两个实数间存在第三个实数a 是问这公理是否也适用于整数b 是要求给出这个公理成立的有力证据.照这么回答应该就可以了a.No.Because there is a limitless supply of ...