英语翻译①It is something I like the most,but I have to give it to someone else.②I have to give it up to someone else that I apparently like the most.③She is the one I love most,but why I would give up her and let her to accept other's love?谁能帮我把这三句英语翻译成中文


①It is something I like the most,but I have to give it to someone else.
②I have to give it up to someone else that I apparently like the most.
③She is the one I love most,but why I would give up her and let her to accept other's love?


① 那是我最喜欢的东西,但我要把它给其他人。
② 我要告诉别人我显然最喜欢。
③ 她是你最喜欢的人,但是为什麼我会放弃她,让她接受别人的爱吗?

①It is something I like the most, but I have to give it to someone else. 它是我最喜欢的东西,但我不得不把它给别的人②I have to give it up to someone else that I apparently like the most. 我不得不把显...