We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?We don't read storybooks in the library.变成一般疑问句是什么?


We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?
We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?
We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?
We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?
We don't read storybooks in the library.变成特殊疑问句是什么?
We don't read storybooks in the library.变成一般疑问句是什么?

Why don't you read sturybooks in the library

what don't you read in the library ?

what don't you read in the library

特殊: 要看你对哪一部分提出特殊疑问句~
对书的种类提问:Which books don't you read in the library ?
对读故事书的地点提问:Where don't you read storybooks ?
一般: Do you read storybooks in the library ?