She expects_____(passing,to pass)the entrance examintions.I am proud of __________(being,to be)a chinese.I'd rather_________(go,to go0to yhe cinema instead of going sgopping at the weekend.


She expects_____(passing,to pass)the entrance examintions.
I am proud of __________(being,to be)a chinese.
I'd rather_________(go,to go0to yhe cinema instead of going sgopping at the weekend.

第一空 to pass
expect to do sth 期望做某事
第二空 be proud of doing 所以选being
第三。would rather 后加动词原形,所以填go

Expect to do sth
所以用 to pass
所以 being
would rather do sth
所有用 go

to pass(expect to do期望做某事)
being(be proud of doing 骄傲做某事)
go(would rather do 宁愿做...)