急求翻译= = 求专业人士帮忙 用翻译软件的朋友就算了拜托谢谢了 罗素认为要成为一个幸福的人,就不可能以自我为中心,无可否认,人都是自私,我自己一直认为其实自私也是爱自己的一种表现,那么我们爱自己也是无可厚非的,但是爱自己的同时也应该爱别人,所以我们也不能一味的自私,一味的以自我为中心,为别人多着想一下,帮助别人做一些自己力所能及的事情也是应该的,当你做到这样的时候,谁敢说你不是幸福的人,所谓助人为乐,也就是这个道理,不是吗?


急求翻译= = 求专业人士帮忙 用翻译软件的朋友就算了

Russell think to be happy, a man, is impossible to self-centered, there is no denying the fact that people are selfish, I always think actually selfish is also a sign of love ourselves, then we love oneself is understandable, but love their own but also should love others, so we cannot blindly selfish, blindly self-centered, think for others to help others do some moment, one of the things is also should, when you do, who dare say you are not a happy man, so-called helpfulness, also is the truth, isn't it?