Without facts,we can't form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factuaWithout facts,we can't form a worthwhile opinion forwe need to have factual knowledge upon which to base our thinking.看不懂这这句upon which to base our thinkingbase 以...做基础,以我们的思想做基础?翻译过来不对头base upon 根据;以……基础这句可以怎么改


Without facts,we can't form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factua
Without facts,we can't form a worthwhile opinion forwe need to have factual knowledge upon which to base our thinking.
看不懂这这句upon which to base our thinking
base 以...做基础,以我们的思想做基础?翻译过来不对头
base upon 根据;以……基础

upon which to base our thinking
这是定语修饰前面的factual knowledge ,
base our thinking upon factual knowledge 把我们的思想建立在事实的基础之上

forwe不是一个单词吧,应该是for we.we can't form a worthwhile opinion是主句,for we need to have factual knowledge upon which to base our thinking.是原因状语从句.在这个状语从句中we need to have.是need to...