英语高手进,用if,when 或unless将句子合并成一句.1.You do not work hard.You will fail the exam.2.She looked aaround.She saw on one.3.He cannot be here on time.He gets up early.4.Something dramatic happens to us.We usually remember it better.5.You will fell tired.You have enough sleep and rest.6.He asked again.There was no reply


英语高手进,用if,when 或unless将句子合并成一句.
1.You do not work hard.You will fail the exam.
2.She looked aaround.She saw on one.
3.He cannot be here on time.He gets up early.
4.Something dramatic happens to us.We usually remember it better.
5.You will fell tired.You have enough sleep and rest.
6.He asked again.There was no reply

If you don't work hard, you will fail the exam.
When she looked around, she saw no one.
He cannot be here on time unless he gets up early.
If something dramatic happens to us, we usually remember it better.
You will feel tired unless you have enough sleep and rest.
When he asked again, there was no reply.

unless you work hard, you will fail the exam.
she saw someone when she looked around.
he cannot be here unless he gets up early.
when something dramatic happens to us, we remember it better.
you will feel tired is you do not have enough sleep and rest.
If there was no reply, he shouldask again.

1.If You do not work hard,you will fail the exam.2.When She was looking around,she saw on one.3.He cannot be here on time unless he gets up early.4.Something dramatic will happen to us if we usually r...