翻译 汉译英 谢啦对英语达人来说应该是小菜吧,简单的翻译就好,主要是流畅,不用是非常非常复杂的句子,外国人能听懂就行,明天下午要用,在线等,先谢谢了~翻译这些:(开头省略若干)但是我最喜欢动手制作布玩偶、项链等等.因为它这是件非常有趣的事.可以发挥我的创造力.用到的(需要的)材料非常简单,主要是:布,珠子,丝带等等.这被人们叫做“DIY”.我通常是先想象出样子,然后把它画出来,最后再动手做.没了简单句子翻译下哈,在线等,谢!加一句…我会把它们其中的一部分作为礼物送给亲人或朋友。他们非常喜欢,觉得是非常有意义的礼物。(语序可以变,用简单句哈)


翻译 汉译英 谢啦

But I like the hands-on production of cloth dolls, necklaces and so on. Because it This is a very interesting thing. Can play my creativity. Used (required) material is very simple, mainly: cloth, beads, ribbons and so on. This is one called "DIY". I usually look first imagine and then draw it out, and finally hands.
I will take them a part of relatives or friends as gifts. They are like, think this is a very meaningful gift.

English people on a piece of cake, and simple translation is well, mainly, it is very complex sentence. can foreigners understand, tomorrow afternoon, online, thanks in advance ~ to translate these : ( the omitted some ) but i'd like to make the cloth doll, a necklace etc. since it it very amusing. they engage me creativity. turn the needs of ( ) material is very simple, mainly : cloth, beads, ribbon and

But I like to make cloth dolls, necklace, etc.Because it is very interesting.I can play the creativity.Use the material is very simple, mainly: cloth, beads, ribbons, etc.This is known as the "DIY".I usually like to imagine, and then draw it, then start doing.

However, the thing I like most is to make stuff toys and necklaces etc. with my own hands because it is really great fun and can give full play to my creativity. The materials required are very simple, mainly cloth, beads, ribbons etc. It is often known as "DIY". Usually, I first form the image in my mind and then draw it out before making them with my hands.

But what I like most is making dolls and necklaces.It's interesting and gives full scope to my creativity.The materials needed are very easy to get,such as cloth,beads,ribbons and so on.This is called...

But I like the hands-on production of cloth dolls, necklaces, etc.. Because it This is a very interesting thing. Can play my creativity. Used (required) material is very simple, mainly: cloth, beads, ribbons and so on. This is one called "DIY". I usually look first imagine and then draw it out, and finally hands.

My favourite thing is to do something by myself, such as cloth dolls,necklace. Becasuse they are very simple, which can exert my creativity.The materials needed are very easy to get, including cloth, pearl, and ribbon. This is called"DIY". Generally, I imagine the shape which I want to make and draw it, then set out to make it.