帮助妈妈做早饭能够使父母亲高兴 It can _________ to help mom make breakfast在那里,他架起帐篷,生火做饭 There he put up a tent and ___________昨天科学老师教给我们怎样制作机器人 The science teacher ______________ yesterday很高兴又要见到我的老朋友们 He ____________ with his father yesterday afternoon请告诉他给我回个电话好吗 Could you please____________上周末她为妈妈买了一个礼物 She ____________ last weekend


帮助妈妈做早饭能够使父母亲高兴 It can _________ to help mom make breakfast
在那里,他架起帐篷,生火做饭 There he put up a tent and ___________
昨天科学老师教给我们怎样制作机器人 The science teacher ______________ yesterday
很高兴又要见到我的老朋友们 He ____________ with his father yesterday afternoon
请告诉他给我回个电话好吗 Could you please____________
上周末她为妈妈买了一个礼物 She ____________ last weekend

It can make parents happy to help mom make breakfast
在那里,他架起帐篷,生火做饭 There he put up a tent and made a fire to cook.
昨天科学老师教给我们怎样制作机器人 The science teacher taught us how to make robots yesterday.
很高兴又要见到我的老朋友们it's very happy to see my old friends again.
请告诉他给我回个电话好吗 Could you please tell him to call me back?
上周末她为妈妈买了一个礼物 She received a gift from her mother last weekend.