为Mrs Jones的服装店写一则英语广告清用下列表格中的相关信息========================== Mrs Jones' Clothing Sale ==Pants:$26 Socks:$2 ==Sweater:$29 T-shirts$30 ==Short:$15 Shirt$18 ==========================


为Mrs Jones的服装店写一则英语广告
= Mrs Jones' Clothing Sale =
=Pants:$26 Socks:$2 =
=Sweater:$29 T-shirts$30 =
=Short:$15 Shirt$18 =

Mrs.Jones clothing is on sale!It's a great,cheap,high quality clothing store!
Now,let's talk about the cheap,high quality products:
Pants for $26.00
socks for $2.00
sweater for $29.00
T-shirt for $30.00
shorts for $15.00
shirt for $18.00
Well!Let's go and get the cheap,high quality products!Enjoy your shopping at Mrs.Jones' store!