定语从句中which 和whose英语菜鸟问一道英语题 The building____ is beautiful.A which lights are on B whose lights are onC where lights are on D that lights are on答案选B, 为什么不是A 啊. 我刚学的定语从句, 听课感觉明白了, 一做题就错啊. 哪位高人给讲一讲本题.Please find a place____.A which we can have a private talk B where we can have a private talk in C That we can have a private talkD which we can have a private talk in还有这个题, 答案是D 我有点糊涂.怎么讲啊?


定语从句中which 和whose
The building____ is beautiful.
A which lights are on B whose lights are on
C where lights are on D that lights are on
答案选B, 为什么不是A 啊. 我刚学的定语从句, 听课感觉明白了, 一做题就错啊. 哪位高人给讲一讲本题.
Please find a place____.
A which we can have a private talk
B where we can have a private talk in
C That we can have a private talk
D which we can have a private talk in
还有这个题, 答案是D 我有点糊涂.怎么讲啊?

第一题,你可以把the building替换成whose,即the building's lights are on,这样就清楚了:那栋楼的灯亮着。句子想通过名字所有格来考察定语从句的先行词。
如果选A,就变成了the building lights are on,就不通顺了。
第二题,we can have a private talk已经是一个具有主谓结构的完整句子了,如果还插入which或者that什么的就是有多余的句子成分了。将D选项结尾的in与前面的which连载一起,in which=where,表示动作发生的地点。when的用法也是这样。A选项末尾少了in。B选项如果去掉最后的in就对了。

B做lights的定语D做in宾语建议LZ把句子拆成两部分来看The building is beautiful.主句Its lights are on从句连成一句话,首先找先行词building,从句中its 指代的是先行词,在从句中做定语,所以要用whosePlease find a ...